Contact information

Billing address

Terms and Conditions:

Client understands that the information presented in this course is not legal, financial, therapeutic, mental health, or medical advice and Company is not a law firm. All of the information provided throughout this course and Services including the resources delivered via phone/video conference, e-mail, in the online forum, live events including webinars and video/audio recordings educating about business, laws, health, and/or finance-related information, are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring a licensed professional. Client understands that Company (The Soul Consultant LLC) does not and will not provide any form of diagnosis. Everything included is the intellectual property of The Soul Consultant LLC and cannot be copied or used in any way except for educational purposes only.

No Guarantees

We cannot guarantee the outcome of the Services. We make no guarantees other than that the Services described shall be provided to you in accordance with this Agreement. Client acknowledges that Company cannot guarantee any results of the Services as such outcomes are based on subjective factors (including, but not limited to, Client’s participation) that cannot be controlled by Company. Any testimonials or reviews shared by Company are not a representation of guaranteed results, only possible results. Client not achieving his or her desired results is not grounds for a refund. Due to the nature of this work, there are no refunds and all sales are final.

I acknowledge that this course includes deep and powerful processes. I have notified the practitioners of any physical injuries, mental or psychological conditions I have. I engage in this experience willingly and take full responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional experiences during and after the course.


This course is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. Persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, pregnancy, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy should consult their primary care physician before engaging in any of these activities. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician.


I hereby release and hold harmless The Soul Consultant LLC from any and all results that arise during or from this course. I waive all rights under law regarding the same. I or my representative(s) agree to full release and hold The Soul Consultant LLC harmless from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with this course.

Attestation of good health

I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above information and attest that my general health is good to participate.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!



  • Total payment
  • 1xGIFTED$333

All prices in USD
